1.byron: i am never away from you. even now, i shall not leave you. in another land, i shall be still that one who loves you, loves you beyond measure beyond measure.鎷滀鸡:鎴戜粠鏈寮€杩囦綘銆傚嵆浣跨幇鍦?鎴戜篃涓嶄細绂诲紑浣犮€傚湪鍙︿竴涓笘鐣?鎴戜緷鏃ф槸鐖辩殑閭d釜浜恒€傜埍浣?鏃犵┓鏃犲敖,澶╅暱鍦颁箙銆?/p>
1.byron: i am never away from you. even now, i shall not leave you. in another land, i shall be still that one who loves you, loves you beyond measure beyond measure.鎷滀鸡:鎴戜粠鏈寮€杩囦綘銆傚嵆浣跨幇鍦?鎴戜篃涓嶄細绂诲紑浣犮€傚湪鍙︿竴涓笘鐣?鎴戜緷鏃ф槸鐖辩殑閭d釜浜恒€傜埍浣?鏃犵┓鏃犲敖,澶╅暱鍦颁箙銆?/p>
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